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The rapprochement between Russia and the DPRK is a sign of Putin's failures

Jun 21, 2024

The rapprochement between Russia and North Korea is a sign of dictator Vladimir Putin's failures in the war against Ukraine.

This was stated by the United States Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs John Bass at a briefing in Kyiv, RBC-Ukraine reports.

"If you look at the decades of rhetoric of the leaders in Moscow, I can't remember a single time when the Russian leader admitted that he needed anyone's help in anything. So I think it's a sign of how surprised Vladimir Putin and the Russian defense establishment have been by the bravery, ingenuity and creativity of the people of Ukraine in repelling this blatant aggression," Bass said.

He emphasized that "it is also a reflection of a strong, energetic, determined coalition of countries that stand with the people of this country (Ukraine - ed.) in defending your land, your freedoms, your ability to choose your own future."

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 21/06/2024

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