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The United States, South Korea and Japan condemn the DPRK

Jun 24, 2024

The United States, South Korea, and Japan condemn the deepening military cooperation between the DPRK and Russia, including arms shipments from the DPRK to Russia, which prolong the suffering of the Ukrainian people, violate UN Security Council resolutions, and threaten stability in both Northeast Asia and Europe.

This is stated in a joint statement of the three countries published on the website of the US State Department.


It is noted that the development of the partnership between the DPRK and Russia should be of serious concern to all those interested in maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, who support the people of Ukraine, who are defending their freedom and independence from Russia's brutal aggression.

"The United States, South Korea, and Japan reaffirm their intention to further strengthen diplomatic and security cooperation to counter the threats posed by the DPRK to regional and global security and to prevent escalation," the statement said.

It is emphasized that the US commitment to the defense of South Korea and Japan remains ironclad.

The United States, Korea, and Japan also reaffirm that the path to dialogue remains open and call on the DPRK to stop further provocations and return to negotiations.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 24/06/2024

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