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Ukraine is disappointed with Swiss support for China's “peace plan”

Sep 30, 2024

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it “cannot understand the logic” of Switzerland's decision to support the initiative of China and Brazil to end the war. It does not meet the interests of Ukraine and will only complicate the process of achieving peace for Ukraine.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“We cannot understand the logic of such a decision. After all, together with the Swiss Confederation, we organized the First Global Peace Summit on June 15-16 in Burgenstock, which was attended by representatives of one hundred countries and international institutions,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

It emphasized that Switzerland is participating in thematic conferences on specific points of the Peace Formula of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, which aim to prepare a common peace framework.

The Foreign Ministry is convinced that all ideas, discussions, and plans to restore peace to Ukraine should be based on two principles:

  • First, nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine.
  • Secondly, these proposals must be based on the UN Charter and include respect for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs considers the Ukrainian Formula for Peace to be the only way to a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace. “There is no need to create additional formats and platforms for discussing ways to achieve peace for Ukraine,” the statement said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is convinced that any initiatives that do not contain a clear reference to the UN Charter and do not guarantee the full restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity are unacceptable. “Such 'peace initiatives' only create the illusion of a dialogue, while the aggressor continues its criminal actions,” the ministry said.

The Foreign Ministry called on Switzerland and all countries that support international law and the UN Charter to avoid participating in the so-called “peace initiatives”, “which can only complicate the process of achieving a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace for Ukraine”.

“Those initiatives that do not recognize the fact of Russia's unprovoked armed aggression against Ukraine, equate the victim and the aggressor, offer de-escalation at the expense of Ukraine's sovereignty and territories cannot be supported by Ukraine,” the Foreign Ministry emphasized.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 30/09/2024

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