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Ukraine's territorial concessions will not bring peace

Jun 15, 2024

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has said that territorial concessions by Ukraine will not lead to peace.


She expressed this opinion at the first Global Peace Summit held on June 15 in Switzerland.

According to her, the world should be careful not to give the impression that some principles, such as the territorial integrity of Ukraine, are secondary.

"They are not secondary. Adherence to these principles is key to a lasting peace. They should be the basis of any future peace agreements," she said.

Kallas reminded that Russian aggression against Ukraine has been going on for 10 years, and the world has largely ignored it.

"Some people hope that territorial concessions to the aggressor will bring peace. However, this logic resembles the policy of appeasement of the 1930s, not peace," she emphasized.

It should be added that the first day of the plenary session of the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland has already ended.

"The position of countries at the Peace Summit is strong. This is all becoming a cold shower for Russia, which tried to undermine the foundations of the world order," summarized the head of the OP, Andriy Yermak.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 16/06/2024

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