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Umerov outlined the key issues discussed at Ramstein

Jun 13, 2024

Ukraine's Defense Minister Rustem Umerov spoke about three key issues that were discussed on Thursday at a meeting of the Contact Group on Ukraine's Defense (Ramstein format).

The minister said this during a conversation with journalists in Brussels, according to a Yevropeiska Pravda correspondent.


According to the minister, the key issues of today's meeting were Strengthening air defense, equipping Ukrainian brigades, and attracting investment in Ukraine's defense industry.

"I told how the Russian Federation destroyed our energy infrastructure and continues to terrorize civilians with its anti-aircraft missiles, and called on our partners to provide more air defense systems and missiles for them. I also called on neighboring countries to consider closing the skies over the border regions," Umerov said.

Author - Olena Madiak, 13/06/2024

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