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US administrations told how they see the success of Ukraine

Jun 24, 2024

In order to ensure the success of Ukraine in the Moscow war, it is necessary to first and foremost deprive the Russian Federation in the East, to use near-fire bonds, and to cause economic losses to Ukraine.


Ambassador James O'Branin said this on Monday in Washington on Monday in Washington, Ukrinform correspondent reports.

“When I talk about Ukraine's success strategy now, it is said that Russia's attempts should be stopped in the East. And this is the first step to success, ”the US Department of State said.

According to him, this involves depriving Russia of the opportunity to use its fire bonds and interfere with Ukraine to restore the economy. This can be achieved by sufficient provision of Ukrainians with sufficient air defense and other weapons so that they can fight for a long period.

"Then there is a moment when Russia has to think about whether it can move on," O'Branin continued.

In addition, a representative of the US State Department noted, the definition of Ukraine's success is also that it could eventually control all its internationally recognized territory.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 25/06/2024

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