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US explains why it decided to supply Ukraine with air defense missiles

Jun 21, 2024

The US State Department spokesman explained what led to Washington's decision to prioritize Ukraine in the supply of interceptor missiles for air defense systems such as Patriot.

Matthew Miller spoke about this at a briefing on June 20, Yevropeiska Pravda reports.


According to the spokesperson, the decision was made after communicating with the Ukrainian government and assessing Ukraine's needs for weapons.

"We have seen the Russian military attacking Ukrainian cities. We have seen them targeting energy infrastructure, making it clear that they want to turn off the lights and cut off the heat when winter returns.

So it became clear to us that we had to do something to strengthen Ukraine's air defense capabilities," the State Department spokesman said.

He added that this includes obtaining additional air defense systems from around the world to improve Ukraine's air defense, but also the transfer of interceptor missiles.

"The decision that the president has made is to review some of the Patriot interceptor deliveries... to review those deliveries from other countries, given the dire need that Ukraine has and the dire threat that Ukraine faces, to make sure that Ukraine gets what it needs now to defend itself against intense Russian air bombardment," Miller said.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 21/06/2024

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