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US to send Patriot missiles to Ukraine instead of Switzerland

Jun 19, 2024

The United States will not send the missiles to Patriot in Switzerland as planned, and Ukraine will receive them first.


This is reported by Blick.

In the fall of 2023, Switzerland ordered 300 million Swiss francs ($340 million) worth of PAC-3 MSE missiles for the Patriot system from the United States.

It was expected that the PAC-3 MSE guided missiles for the Patriot air defense system would enter service with the Swiss army in 2030-2031. However, due to the US government's decision, the delivery of the missiles will be postponed, and they will probably not arrive as planned.

Reportedly, in the contract, Washington has provided for the possibility of deviating from the agreed terms in the presence of extraordinary or compelling reasons if it affects the interests of US national security. The US is now claiming this because of the war in Ukraine.

The Swiss Federal Office for Defense Procurement confirmed this information.

"Switzerland again needs an independent and strong defense industry, as well as diversification of procurement between manufacturers and countries," the agency said.

The US is expected to officially announce its decision next week, on Tuesday. There is no information on the new delivery dates yet.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 20/06/2024

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