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What restrictions for Georgia are being considered by the EU

Jun 15, 2024

The European Union is preparing restrictions for Georgia after the country's parliament overrode a veto and finally passed the scandalous law on foreign agents. Several options are currently being considered.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the Twitter (X) of Radio Liberty correspondent Rickard Jozwiak.

"The document with the EU's options for Georgia has been sent to the member states. Short-term measures: suspension of funding, suspension of high-level meetings," the journalist said.

According to him, if the situation deteriorates, the EU may impose individual sanctions, visa waivers for foreign passports, and a reduction in military assistance to Georgia.

In the event of a significant deterioration, the visa-free regime may be suspended and Georgia's European integration may be halted.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 15/06/2024

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