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Which countries need to be convinced to support Ukraine

Jun 19, 2024

In an interview with NV, former US Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor listed the countries that need to be convinced to support Ukraine before the next peace summit.

In an interview with NV, Taylor noted that the first peace summit showed the disposition - which countries need to be convinced to support Ukraine.


The former US ambassador said this when commenting on the fact that the final communiqué of the summit was not signed by India, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and the United Arab Emirates, and some countries withdrew their signatures.

According to him, it is necessary to work on preparations for the second peace summit.

"We need to convince South Africa and Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Mexico. I think these countries are interested enough to be there. So they can be convinced that sovereignty, territorial integrity, regardless of the size of the country, are important. These are important concepts under the UN Charter," Taylor said.

Author - Ihor Lontkivskyi 19.06.24

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