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Zelensky: Security agreement is the strongest agreement with America

Jun 14, 2024

In his evening address, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the security agreement with the United States brings Ukraine and the United States to the level of true alliance.

Source: Zelenskyy's address on June 13.

Direct speech: "The historic result with the United States is a bilateral security agreement that brings our relations to the level of true alliance. This is the strongest agreement with America in all 33 years of our independence. There is a legally binding part of the agreement, and there are absolutely useful details on air defense, on aircraft."


Details: According to the president, the agreement states that America will help Ukraine by supplying fighter squadrons - as many fighters as Ukraine needs.

Direct speech: "I also spoke with the leaders about accelerating pilot training. What is important is that the agreement with America now stipulates that Ukraine will be supported in times of war and peace. It is really long-term. We see peace in the same way - a just peace for our people. I thank you, Mr. President Biden, I thank both parties and the houses of Congress, thank you, America!"

Author - Olena Madiak, 14/06/2024

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