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Putin is confident of Russia's victory and will try to destroy Ukraine

Jul 5, 2024

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's denial of any peace talks with Ukraine indicates his confidence in Russia's victory through a creeping occupation, depletion of the Armed Forces and the cessation of Western aid.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to a report by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).


The report cites and analyzes the dictator's statements made during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit on Thursday, July 4.

In particular, Putin rejected Russia's participation in any meaningful negotiations on a ceasefire agreement. Instead, he demanded the "irreversible" "demilitarization" of Ukraine as a precondition for any ceasefire agreement. Thus, Putin is demanding that Ukraine actually surrender before any ceasefire.

The ISW drew attention to the fact that instead of offering his typical feigned interest in such negotiations, Putin has rejected any ceasefire negotiations.

"Putin has repeatedly positioned the West as his supposed partner in negotiating a ceasefire agreement in order to induce the West to make concessions on Ukrainian sovereignty. Instead, Putin has rejected all mediating parties as possible brokers of a deal between Ukraine and Russia," the report says.

In addition, the ISW notes, Putin has rejected the Verkhovna Rada as a possible point of contact for negotiations, although he had previously claimed that it was the only legitimate Ukrainian body with which Russia could negotiate.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 05/07/2024

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