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The absolute condition for peace in Ukraine is the withdrawal of Russian troops

Jul 4, 2024

The withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine is an absolute condition for ending the war.

This belief was expressed in a comment to Ukrinform by Thomas Erndl, a member of the Bundestag from the CDU/CSU opposition bloc.

"We all want the war to end. But it can only end with a just peace, which means that the territory of Ukraine must be liberated and Russia must withdraw its troops. These are absolute conditions," the politician emphasized.

As long as there is no prospect in these issues, no signs that the situation is developing in this direction, it is important to continue supporting Ukraine, he said.

The parliamentarian sees the chances for peace talks and the end of Russia's war in Ukraine as very illusory and "doubtful" at the moment. Especially given Putin's statements and "proposals" before the Peace Summit in Switzerland.

"In negotiations, you cannot set conditions and requirements that cannot be fulfilled, that are unacceptable. That's why I don't see any opportunities for constructive negotiations at the moment," Erndl said.

Putin, he said, has already said enough that Western powers should have taken him seriously. The threat is also real for Western Europe, the MP said.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 04/07/2024

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