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65% of French people have a negative attitude towards Macron

Apr 7, 2023

The pension reform and the government's forced move to approve its text without a vote of MPs did not have a favorable impact on the image of French President Emmanuel Macron.

This is evidenced by the results of a poll conducted by Viavoice for Liberation, BFMTV reports.

Macron's image is negative for 65% of the French.


When the French were asked what their first emotion towards the president was, the words "misunderstanding" and "anger" came out on top (16% each). They are followed by "disgust" (13%) and "hope" (10%). Then comes "indifference" (9%).

Only 26% of the French respondents have a positive image of Macron, and 4% have a "very positive" image, which is still 2 points more than Prime Minister Elizabeth Born.

People aged 50 to 64 are the least favorable to the president's actions (70% of negative assessments), and people over 65 are the most positive (34%).

55% of the French also believe that the level of freedom in the country has decreased. The president is also considered "more authoritarian" now than in 2017 when he was first elected.

Author - Olena Madiak, 07/04/2023

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