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AFU advanced in two directions during counteroffensive, - ISW

Aug 15, 2023

During counteroffensive operations, the Ukrainian military advanced in the border area of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions. Meanwhile, the Russian occupiers are having difficulty strengthening their defense lines due to a lack of reserves.

This was stated by analysts of the Institute for the Study of War in a new report.


On August 14, the Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted counteroffensive operations in at least two areas of the frontline and reportedly advanced in the border area of the Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions.

Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Hanna Malyar said that the Ukrainian forces continue counteroffensive operations in the Melitopol (western part of the Zaporizhzhia region) and Berdiansk (western part of the Donetsk region and eastern part of the Zaporizhzhia region) directions.

Malyar noted that Ukrainian forces are continuing to advance in Urozhaine, and some Russian sources claimed that Ukrainian forces control the northern part of the settlement.

Alexander Khodakovsky, commander of the “Vostok” battalion defending near Urozhaine, complained that Russian forces are not deploying additional reserves and artillery battalions to the area.. He also claimed that the “Vostok” battalion is fighting for Urozhaine with all available forces but that the forces operating in the area are exhausted and suffering losses.

ISW experts have previously assessed that Russian forces lack available operational reserves that would allow them to carry out rotations or bring in additional reinforcements, and that Russian defensive lines may be “brittle”.

Deputy Defense Minister Malyar added that over the past week, the Ukrainian Armed Forces advanced by 3 square kilometers in the Bakhmut sector and liberated a total of 40 square kilometers since the start of the offensive in this area.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 15/08/2023

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