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Bundestag votes in favor of long-range weapons for Ukraine

Feb 23, 2024

The German Bundestag has supported a proposal for weapons for Ukraine prepared by the ruling parties, which, among other things, includes a call to provide long-range systems to Kyiv.

This was reported by Deutschlandfunk.

The proposal was voted in favor by 382 deputies, 284 voted against and two abstained.

The adopted document states that the coalition's parliamentary factions are in favor of providing Ukraine with "additional necessary long-range weapons and ammunition systems." The proposal does not directly mention Taurus cruise missiles.


During the discussion, Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said that Ukraine could count on Germany's continued support. According to him, this is evidenced by the recently concluded security agreement.

Pistorius did not answer CDU MP Hardt's question about the prospects of supplying Taurus.

The parliamentary groups have different interpretations of what kind of long-range systems are meant in the adopted document, t-online reports.

A number of MPs from the Greens and the Free Democrats suggest that Taurus was meant.

Author - Olena Madiak, 23/02/2024

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