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EU accession negotiating framework will be ready in the summer

Feb 21, 2024

The negotiation framework for Ukraine's accession to the European Union will be ready in early summer.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine regarding the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen during a press conference in Brussels.

"We are making excellent progress on the screening process. This is very good. And we are working on a negotiating framework. My best guess is that it will not be ready before the European elections, but after them, because I see different negotiating positions evolving. It will take time. But I think that sometime in the summer, early summer, we will be ready," von der Leyen said.

It is worth adding that the European elections will be held in early June.

Dear Europeans, isn't it funny to you? If you do not want to see Ukraine in the EU, say so, we will understand. But why do you have to invent so many unnecessary stages for accession?

What is a "negotiation framework"? It looks very much like another postponement of a decision.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 22/02/2024

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