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EU discusses military training in Ukraine, but no consensus reached

May 28, 2024

At a meeting of EU defense ministers on Tuesday, they discussed the possibility of training Ukrainian troops on the territory of Ukraine by Western instructors, but there is no consensus on this issue.

EU diplomat Josep Borrell said this at a press conference following the meeting, according to Yevropeiska Pravda.


Borrell emphasized that Ukraine plans to mobilize more soldiers, and therefore needs to train more military personnel. The total number of Ukrainian soldiers trained by the EU training mission should reach 60,000 by the end of the summer.

There is an agreement among EU states on the need to increase the number of trained Ukrainian soldiers, Borrell added, and these goals will be determined in the near future. He did not name specific figures.

“There have been debates about conducting part of the exercises in Ukraine, but there is no clear common European position on this,” the EU diplomat said.

Author - Olena Madiak, 28/05/2024

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