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EU proposes to extend temporary protection for Ukrainians until 2025

Sep 19, 2023

The European Commission has proposed to extend temporary protection for Ukrainians who fled Russia's aggression against Ukraine from March 4, 2024, to March 3, 2025.

The Commission announced this on Tuesday, according to Yevropeiska Pravda.

This step will provide certainty and support for more than 4 million people who enjoy protection across the EU, the European Commission said.


The EU activated the Temporary Protection Directive on March 4, 2022, by unanimous decision of the Member States, and it was automatically extended for one year.

The Commission considers that the reasons for temporary protection remain and therefore temporary protection should be extended as a necessary response to the current volatile situation, which is not yet conducive to the safe and sustainable return of those enjoying temporary protection.

This proposal now needs to be approved by the EU Council.

Author - Olena Madiak, 19/09/2023

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