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Germany has filled its gas storage facilities ahead of winter

Nov 16, 2022

The level of filling of natural gas storage facilities in Germany has reached 100%.

This is according to data published by the European gas storage association GIE, reports RTL.

With these reserves, Germany can supply gas to the entire country for two months in winter.

According to the latest information, as of Monday morning, 245.44 terawatt hours of natural gas were in storage. That's slightly above the 100 percent mark of 245.39 terawatt hours, indicating so-called working gas volume.


By comparison, Germany as a whole consumed nearly 227 terawatt hours of natural gas in January and February 2022, according to the Federal Network Agency.

At the EU level, Monday morning the reservoir level was reported to be 95.6 percent full.

Romania reportedly has more than three billion cubic meters of natural gas in the storage on the eve of winter, a record amount.

Author - Olena Madiak, 16/11/2022

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