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Humeniuk on the probability of а Russian missile attack

Mar 13, 2023

The Southern Operational Command says that due to stormy weather, the likelihood of a missile attack is currently postponed.


According to Ukrinform, this was stated by the spokesperson for the Joint Coordination Press Center of the Defense Forces of the South of Ukraine Natalia Gumenyuk on the air of a national telethon.

"Currently, the sea is on our side - stormy weather forces us to bring the missile carriers to the basing points, but we know that at least one surface missile carrier is equipped and ready - eight Kalibr missiles," she said.

However, according to her, the likelihood of a new missile attack by Russia remains quite high.

"At the moment, we can say that the probability of a missile attack has been slightly postponed, but it remains high. It takes two or three hours for a missile to get on a combat course. The storm is not so critical that it will not work," said Humeniuk.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 13/03/2023

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