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If Trump wins, NATO will face a “radical reorientation”

Jul 3, 2024

Donald Trump, if returned to the presidency, is unlikely to withdraw the United States from NATO, but will carry out a “radical reorientation” of the alliance.


This is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Politico.

The publication, citing Trump's advisers, writes that the alleged shift will include a significant and substantial reduction in the US role in the security sector. Thus, instead of being the main provider of combat power in Europe, America may become someone who provides support only in times of crisis.

Another part of Trump's emerging plan is a two-tiered NATO system. This idea means that member states that have not yet reached the goal of spending 2% of GDP on defense "will not enjoy the generosity and security guarantees of the United States."

In addition, Trump supports the principle of NATO's non-expansion to the east, which effectively deprives not only Ukraine but also Georgia of the chance to join the Alliance.

According to people from Donald Trump's team, the United States will "maintain its nuclear umbrella over Europe," with air and naval forces and bases in Germany, Britain, and Turkey. However, the main forces of infantry, armor, logistics, and artillery will eventually be transferred to the European zone of responsibility.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 03/07/2024

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