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Kievans are prepared for a complete blackout

Nov 19, 2022

The main thing: Kyiv has returned to scheduled blackouts. But different scenarios are being considered, including complete blackouts.


Details: Now Kyiv has abandoned emergency blackouts and switched to planned blackouts. This was stated by the first deputy head of the KSCA Nikolai Povoroznyk in an interview with the TV channel "Kyiv".

"We are preparing for different scenarios, including complete blackouts," he said.

But now, he said, switched to the stabilization shutdowns, the light will be turned off on a schedule of no more than 4 hours.

"But due to lower temperatures, power consumption is increasing significantly. So now more than ever, we need to save electricity. Because the increase in consumption can lead to emergency shutdowns if the system fails to cope," added Povoroznik.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 19/11/2022

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