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Latvia can help with the transportation of Ukrainian grain by rail

Aug 15, 2023

The Latvian Railways (LDz) sees an opportunity to start transporting Ukrainian grain this fall.

This was stated by the company's Chairman of the Board Rinalds Plavnieks in an interview with Latvian Radio, as cited by Delfi.

He recalled that he had previously been skeptical about the possibility of transporting Ukrainian grain by rail through Latvia.


"Until this summer, I was absolutely skeptical about this issue and believed that it was impossible on an industrial scale," Pļavnieks said, explaining that such transportation would require two transshipment points.

At the same time, he said, the technological capabilities of logistics and transshipment have developed so much that the transshipment process can be much more efficient.

"Now there is an opportunity for transportation of Ukrainian grain," Mr. Plavnieks added.

Author - Olena Madiak, 15/08/2023

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