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Moldova will help train Ukrainian sappers

Jun 6, 2023

Moldova will organize a several-week training course for the Ukrainian military on defusing explosive devices.

This was announced by the Moldovan Ministry of Defense on Tuesday.

According to the report, specialists from the Codru engineering battalion of the Moldovan army will train their colleagues from the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the methods of detecting and defusing explosive devices.


The training will take place at the Training Center of the Moldovan Armed Forces Engineer Troops as part of humanitarian assistance to clear the territory of explosive ordnance as a result of Russia's war against Ukraine.

At the same time, the training is aimed at preventing injuries or deaths of the Ukrainian population as a result of the explosion of objects left in the ground.

"The course will last for four weeks and will include both theoretical and practical classes," the Moldovan Defense Ministry added.

Author - Olena Madiak, 06/06/2023

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