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NATO will deploy AWACS surveillance aircraft in Romania

Jan 13, 2023

In connection with Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine, NATO wants to relocate several of its AWACS reconnaissance aircraft, which are usually based in Germany, to Romania.

This is reported by Tagesschau.

The vehicles are intended to support a reinforced presence of the Alliance in the region and monitor Russian military activities, the command of NATO Air Force said.


The AWACS are scheduled to arrive at the Otopeni airbase near the Romanian capital of Bucharest next Tuesday and remain there for several weeks.

The airfield is only about 200 kilometers from the EU and NATO country's eastern border with Ukraine.

The AWACS are based on Boeing-707s and, thanks to their mushroom radar structure, are able to find and identify other aircraft at a distance of more than 400 kilometers.

Author - Olena Madiak, 13/01/2023

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