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Occupants shell five communities in the Sumy region

Apr 18, 2023

On Monday, April 17, Russian occupation forces shelled five communities in the Sumy region. In total, more than 160 "arrivals" were recorded.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine concerning the message of the Sumy Regional Military Administration in Telegram.

Thus, the Russians struck at:

  • Shalyhyne community with artillery;
  • Bilopilska community with mortars, cannon artillery, AGS, and a large-caliber machine gun;
  • Seredina-Buda community - cannon artillery;
  • Hlukhiv community with cannon artillery.

In addition, the occupants dropped nine mines on the territory of the Velykopysarivska community.

According to the military, no enemy offensive groups have been detected near the state border.

"The units of the Defense Forces continue to perform tasks at the designated defense lines along the state border," the statement said.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 18/04/2023

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