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Pope addresses Ukraine and Russia

Mar 31, 2024

Pope Francis has called on Ukraine and Russia to exchange prisoners in an "all for all" format. He said this on Sunday, March 31, after the Easter Mass in St. Peter's Square in the Vatican, addressing the faithful with the traditional Easter message and the Urbi et Orbi (To the City and the World) blessing.

"May the Risen Christ open the way of peace for the suffering people of these regions. Calling for respect for the principles of international law, I wish for a general exchange of all prisoners between Russia and Ukraine: all for all!" Francis said.

He noted that "war is always absurd and defeat." But after this remarkable call for an exchange, he could not restrain himself and began to speak again in the spirit of Russian interests, namely, to oppose the provision of weapons to Ukraine. Not so directly, but this is what was meant.

"Let's not let the winds of war blow even harder over Europe and the Mediterranean. Let us not succumb to the logic of weapons and rearmament. Peace is never built with weapons, but by reaching out to each other and opening our hearts," Francis said.

This Pope's gone bad, let's get a new one.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 01/04/2024

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