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President of the Czech Republic: Ukraine deserves NATO membership

Apr 28, 2023

Czech President Petr Pavel has expressed support for Ukraine's membership in the North Atlantic Alliance.

He made the statement at a press conference in Kyiv, according to a Yevropeiska Pravda correspondent.

"For us, there is no doubt that Ukraine deserves NATO membership," he said, adding that resistance to Russian aggression has made Ukraine "an example for us all".


Pavel assured that the Czech Republic would continue to provide assistance to Ukraine, not only in the form of military equipment.

"Our assistance will be in the form of donations, through commercial and private structures, and in cooperation with third parties," he said.

In turn, describing military cooperation, the Czech president mentioned the possibility of manufacturing training aircraft for Ukraine to train Ukrainian pilots.

Author - Olena Madiak, 28/04/2023

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