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Prime Minister of Canada addresses the Verkhovna Rada

Jun 11, 2023

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau addresses the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


This was reported in Telegram by MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak, Ukrinform reports.

According to the MP, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and the full government of Ukraine were also present in the hall.

"The speech was in two languages: part of it (Trudeau - ed.) was in English, and then the next sentences were in French," Zheleznyak said.

He outlined the main points of the Canadian Prime Minister's speech. In particular, Trudeau noted that Ukrainians are fighting "not only for their survival but for everything." "For democracy and freedom. The world cannot underestimate the importance of the moment and your struggle. You are fighting for yourselves, for your language, for your homes, and for the future of all of us."

According to Trudeau, Ukraine's victory will be recorded in the history books, and Ukrainians "determine the future of the 21st century."

Read also: Zelenskyy and Trudeau adopted a joint declaration

The Prime Minister assured that Canada would support Ukraine "as long as necessary."

"You don't give up, and so we won't give up," Zheleznyak quoted the Canadian prime minister as saying.

Trudeau also emphasized that Ukraine must choose how to defend itself, and Canada will support Ukraine's accession to NATO.

"We want peace, but we want it on Ukraine's terms. The Russian Federation must leave the entire territory of Ukraine," the Canadian Prime Minister said.

He thanked Ukrainians for "remaining champions and defenders of democracy every day."

The Prime Minister of Canada ended his speech with the phrase "Glory to Ukraine!"

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 11/06/2023

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