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Romanian President asks NATO to support Moldova

Jun 28, 2023

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said on Tuesday that the situation in Moldova is critical, so he considers it the duty of NATO allies to find ways to help the country increase its resilience.

Johannis said this on Tuesday in The Hague after a meeting of several NATO leaders on the eve of the summit in Vilnius, Agerpres reports.

"The Republic of Moldova is an important topic for me and, as I learned today, for all of us. The situation in Moldova is critical. I believe that it is our duty and responsibility to find ways to help Moldova become more resilient," said Johannis.


He noted that NATO colleagues share his assessment.

"It would be very good if we could include some remarks on this issue in the conclusions of the Vilnius Summit," Johannis said.

As you know, neutral Moldova is not a NATO member but cooperates with the Alliance.

Author - Olena Madiak, 28/06/2023

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