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Ryanair is ready to quickly resume operations in Ukraine after the war

Apr 19, 2023

The Irish low-cost airline Ryanair is ready to quickly resume operations in Ukraine after the end of the war, as soon as flights to the country become safe again.

According to Bloomberg, this was stated by Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary.

He noted that Ryanair has hired about 60 Ukrainian pilots and about 80 crew members, who are mostly based in Poland, waiting for the market to open.

O'Leary said the airline plans to establish 30 routes and deploy several bases in Ukraine within 12 months of its return.

"We could fly there in about two weeks. We are actively looking for ways and exploring opportunities to return to Ukraine," O'Leary said.

According to him, rebuilding Ukraine will provide huge opportunities for European businesses, and aviation will play a key role, as "the Russians are likely to blow up roads and bridges," so airplanes will be the most important way to get around.

Author - Olena Madiak, 19/04/2023

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