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Stoltenberg calls on NATO allies to allow Ukraine to strike RF

May 25, 2024

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has called on allied countries that supply weapons to Ukraine to lift the ban on their use to strike military targets in the Russian Federation.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to The Economist.

In an interview with the publication, the head of the Alliance noted that the lifting of the ban is necessary because otherwise the Defense Forces will not be able to effectively defend the territory of Ukraine, especially the border areas that are mercilessly attacked by the aggressor.

“It is time for the allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have imposed on the use of the weapons they have provided to Ukraine. Especially now, when much of the fighting is taking place in Kharkiv, close to the border, denying Ukraine the ability to use these weapons against legitimate military targets on Russian territory makes it very difficult for Ukraine to defend itself,” Stoltenberg said.

The NATO Secretary General also noted that the Russians are ready to continue to put pressure on the Ukrainian Armed Forces, gain some minor positions, and “pay a very high price for these minor gains.”

Stoltenberg is well aware of the asymmetric advantage that Russia gains from being a refuge from US long-range weapons. This allows the aggressor to concentrate its forces and ensures that Ukraine will not be able to use its most effective weapons until they cross the border.

According to him, the Russians can also launch weapons such as Lancet drones from their territory in relative safety.

“We must remember what this is. This is Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine. Ukraine has the right to defend itself. And that includes striking targets on Russian territory,” the NATO Secretary General said firmly.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 25/05/2024

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