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Sweden to set up weapons logistics & maintenance centers near Ukraine

Jun 16, 2023

The Swedish government will set up logistics centers near Ukraine. Military equipment will also be serviced there.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to SVT.


Swedish Defense Minister Pål Johnson said that his country is allocating a new package of military assistance to Ukraine. As part of this package, special centers for logistics and maintenance of military equipment will be created. They are planned to be set up near Ukraine, probably in Poland.

The Swedish government has already agreed to send up to 60 military personnel to participate in the project. The centers will service the equipment Ukraine received from Sweden.

"Of course, it is important that the defense equipment we send can also be used and achieve an operational effect," the head of the Swedish Defense Ministry said.

The centers are expected to start operating in early fall. It is estimated that about 30 Swedes will work there, and they will also train Ukrainian personnel. More spare parts will also be needed to service the equipment. They are likely to come as part of the next aid packages.

It is worth noting that Sweden has provided Ukraine with 50 CV-90 combat vehicles, Leopard tanks, Archer and Robot 70 artillery systems.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 16/06/2023

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