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The AFU are clearing mines and burning the enemy with artillery

Jul 9, 2023

Active work of the Tauride Defense Forces continues

The enemy is advancing in the Avdiivka, Maryinka, Kupyansk, and Lyman sectors, and hot fighting is ongoing. No change in the situation. This was reported by Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Hanna Malyar.


Meanwhile, the enemy is on the defensive in the Bakhmut sector. There is a certain advance of our troops on the southern flank.

According to the deputy minister, active work of the Defense Forces in the Tauride sector continues.

"Hot battles continue in the Melitopol and Berdiansk offensive areas of our defense forces. The process of consolidation of the achieved positions continues. Our troops are conducting aerial reconnaissance of the area, demining the area and applying artillery fire on the identified enemy targets, carrying out counter-battery measures, ready to continue offensive actions," the Deputy Minister said.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 10/07/2023

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