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The United States has estimated Russia's casualties in Ukraine

Jan 20, 2023

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Army, General Mark Milley, said that Russia had suffered huge losses in the war with Ukraine, which he estimated at a number of well over 100 thousand.

He said this, as European Pravda reports, at a press conference following the eighth meeting of the Ukrainian Defense Contact Group (Ramstein format).

"The last time I spoke publicly about the Russian losses, I said that they exceed 100 thousand. Now I will say that they are far in excess of 100,000. The Russians have suffered colossal losses in the military. We are talking about the regular army and the mercenaries from the Wagner group and other forces that are fighting on the side of the Russians".

The concept of "losses" used by Milli includes not only the deaths of Russian servicemen, but also the wounded and, in some cases, deserters.

"The American general also assessed the scale of mobilization in Russia, which was announced in September 2022. "Russia was announcing mobilization. They drafted 300,000 people. In my opinion, they managed to draft somewhere between 200,000 and 250,000. So they are replacing human losses, but also these losses are huge," he added.

Author - Olena Madiak, 20/01/2023

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