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The White House condemned the Russian missile attacks on Ukraine

Nov 16, 2022

US Presidential National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan condemned Russia's massive missile attacks on Ukraine, which, he stressed, took place during the G20 summit in Indonesia.

This was reported by the European Truth.

"The United States strongly condemns Russia's latest missile attacks against Ukraine, which, according to preliminary reports, struck residential buildings in Kyiv and other facilities throughout the country," Sullivan said.

He stressed that while world leaders are meeting at the G20 summit in Bali to discuss issues that are important to the lives and livelihoods of people around the world, Russia is again threatening those lives and destroying critical infrastructure in Ukraine.

"These Russian strikes will only deepen concerns among the G20 about the destabilizing impact of Putin's war. Our thoughts are with the brave Ukrainian people who continue to demonstrate fortitude and courage in defense of their sovereignty and democracy," said Biden's adviser.

Author - Olena Madiak, 16/11/2022

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