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US aircraft strikes ISIS leader in Syria

Jul 9, 2023

US aircraft have struck the leader of ISIS in Eastern Syria. The strike was carried out by MQ-9 aircraft,


RBC-Ukraine reports with reference to the website of the US Central Command.

On Friday, July 7, the US Central Command launched a strike in Syria, killing Osama al-Muhajir, the leader of ISIS in eastern Syria.

"We have made clear that we remain committed to defeating ISIS across the region... ISIS remains a threat not only to the region but beyond," said General Michael "Eric" Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command,

There is no information that civilians were killed in the strike, but the coalition is investigating reports of civilian casualties.

The operation will disrupt and impair ISIS' ability to plan and conduct terrorist attacks. However, CENTCOM's operations against ISIS, along with partner forces in Iraq and Syria, will continue to achieve the group's ultimate defeat.

The strike on Friday was carried out by the same MQ-9 aircraft that earlier in the day had been pursued by Russian aircraft in a clash that lasted nearly two hours.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 10/07/2023

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