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Volker: Russian armed forces are no longer able to move forward

May 24, 2023

Russian troops are no longer able to advance on the front. The reason for this is poor equipment and command.

Kurt Volker, the former U.S. Special Representative to Ukraine, said this in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.


In his opinion, Ukraine already has a certain victory, because the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin wanted to destroy the state as a whole, but it did not happen.

"As for the events on the battlefield, it is obvious that the Russian armed forces are no longer able to move forward. They have tried, they have tried very hard over the last few months and over the winter, but they are not organized, they cannot consolidate themselves in positions," Volker said.

He added that the Russian army has had no success on the front because of poor equipment, command, control and coordination.

"At the same time, the Ukrainian troops are well trained, well equipped, integrated, and they are under a strong command. This will play a crucial role in the coming months as Ukraine moves forward," the official added.

He noted that he does not know the details of the upcoming counterattack, but he is confident that Ukraine's fight would continue.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 24/05/2023

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