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Wagner PMC continues to recruit mercenaries

Aug 3, 2023

The regional centers of the Wagner PMC continue to recruit new mercenaries. This is despite statements by the leader of the private military company, Yevhen Prygozhyn, that he had stopped recruiting for the group.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine concerning the Russian edition of Vazhlye Istori (Important Stories).

What did Prigozhin say?

On July 31, Yevhen Prigozhin said that the PMC no longer plans to recruit new mercenaries. He tried to justify this by saying that there was no shortage of personnel.

However, he added that if "the Motherland needs it, he will create a new group of mercenaries." He also said that the PMC is present in Africa and Belarus.

What is happening

The publication found reports that the group plans to resume recruitment in August.

One of the ex-mercenaries who fought in Africa and Ukraine told Vazhlyasni Istoryi on condition of anonymity that PMC recruitment has resumed through the Orthodox sports club Desantnik in Omsk and one of the PMC offices in Novosibirsk.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 03/08/2023

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