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A Russian who fought against Ukraine was not allowed into Moldova

Mar 31, 2023

A Russian soldier who took part in Russia's military aggression against Ukraine was not allowed into Moldova.

This was reported by the Moldovan agency.

On March 31, the Moldovan Border Police reported that it had detected a Russian soldier who fought in the war against Ukraine in the passenger stream at Chisinau International Airport. His final destination was the city of Tiraspol, in unrecognized Transnistria.


During the interview with law enforcement officers, he was confused in his testimony, trying to mislead the border police inspectors.

As a result, the person was denied entry to Moldova. He was returned by plane to the country of departure.

According to the published photos, the man fought in the area of Mariupol and Volnovakha on the side of Russian troops.

Author - Olena Madiak, 31/03/2023

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