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Armenia's opposition announces a general action of disobedience

Sep 25, 2023

In the Armenian capital Yerevan, representatives of the opposition and protesters during a rally on Sunday announced their intention to start a joint action of disobedience in the country on Monday morning, September 25. It should last for three days.


This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to Panorama.am and Radio Liberty.

According to a protester, member of the National Committee Vazgen Manukyan, the activists are "paralyzing the country."

"We are paralyzing the city. The whole of Armenia will be paralyzed in the next three days. Only the police are the mainstay of the government," he said during a rally on Republic Square in Yerevan.

At the same time, Ishkhan Saghatelyan, a member of the opposition Hayastan faction, called on the protesters not only to take to the streets, but also to "raise the level of disobedience to the point where the government would be on its knees."

We would like to add that the Armenian National Committee also announced the addresses of tomorrow's disobedience actions.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 25/09/2023

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