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Belarusian intelligence recruits compatriots in Lithuania

Dec 5, 2023

Belarusian special services, closely linked to Russian curators, are trying to recruit compatriots living in Lithuania. Recently, they have begun actively trying to recruit Belarusians in Lithuania through social networks, said Darius Jauniškis, director of the Lithuanian State Security Department (DGB), in an interview with LRT.


According to him, Belarusian migrants living in Lithuania are convenient targets for Minsk's special services, as they have certain interests in their homeland, leave relatives in Belarus, have Belarusian passports, and are still citizens. All of this gives the Belarusian special services more opportunities.

"Currently, we are witnessing active recruitment attempts using modern means, including social media. For example, representatives of the Belarusian opposition and the business community are being influenced by the Belarusian special services online, through communication on the Internet, in messengers and social networks," he said.

Through social networks, people are offered cooperation with the special services, asked to provide information about Belarusian oppositionists in Lithuania, and in some cases offered financial compensation for certain activities, the head of the DGB noted. The Lithuanian special services observe this process quite clearly as part of the strategy of influence through digital platforms.

Author - Serhii Kolomiets, 05/12/2023

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