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Britain will put the Wagner PMC on the list of terrorist organizations

May 10, 2023

Britain intends to officially put the Wagner PMC on the list of terrorist organizations in order to increase pressure on Russia.

This is reported by RBC-Ukraine, citing The Times.


It is reported that the decision was taken after two months of work on the legal justification of the step.

Listing as a terrorist organization is "inevitable" and is expected within weeks, a source in the British government told reporters.

Membership to PMCs, attending their meetings, wearing their symbols and any support will be considered a criminal offence in Britain, and the mercenaries will be in the same list as the militants of the "Islamic State" and "Al Qaeda" groups.

Financial sanctions will also be imposed on the group, which will limit the ability of the Wagner PMC to attract money through British banks.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 10/05/2023

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