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British fighter jets intercept Russian military aircraft near Scotland

Aug 14, 2023

On Monday morning, the British Air Force scrambled Typhoon rapid response fighters due to the flight of two Russian Tu-142 anti-submarine aircraft north of Scotland.

This was reported by the British Ministry of Defense, according to Yevropeiska Pravda

As noted, British aviation intercepted Russian bombers used for reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare in international airspace within the northern NATO patrol zone.

The Voyager tanker was also lifted into the air, which remained there during the flight to provide refueling for the Typhoon.


"It's very pleasing to know that we were able to carry out a successful interception while maintaining the integrity of UK and NATO airspace," the British Ministry of Defense quoted one of the British fighter pilots as saying.

As the ministry explains, Russian military aircraft entering the UK's flight information region can pose a danger to other aircraft, as they often ignore air traffic controllers and do not signal their presence in the airspace.

Author - Olena Madiak, 14/08/2023

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