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China and EU should build relations regardless position on the war

Apr 25, 2023

China believes that the European Union should build relations with Beijing without taking into account its position on the war in Ukraine.

This was reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to the Chinese ambassador to the EU Fu Cong in an interview with The Paper.


According to him, European countries are concerned about Russia's war against Ukraine and against this background consider certain issues. The diplomat stated that the EU assesses Sino-European relations through the prism of the "Ukrainian issue”.

Fu Cong added that China's relations with the EU are "multifaceted, not one-sided”. Therefore, he said, the European side should not view cooperation with Beijing through the prism of Ukraine.

The ambassador reiterated Chinese leader Xi Jinping's position that China was not the creator of or a party to the so-called "crisis in Ukraine”.

As a reminder, Chinese ambassador to the EU Fu Cong assured the EU that Beijing's ties with Europe are "unlimited," just like with Russia.

Author – Anastasiya Glotova, 25/04/2023

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