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Czech Republic faces problems with financing weapons for Ukraine

Sep 22, 2023

The Czech Republic will continue to provide military support to Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression, helping it finance weapons despite the obvious difficulties in consolidating public funds.

This was reported by Euractiv.

According to the publication, in June, Prague barely managed to find the funds for the latest increase in contributions to the European Peace Fund (EPF), which finances military assistance to Kyiv.


According to the article, this has led to skepticism in Czech foreign policy circles about the country's ability to cope with the financing of foreign instruments.

According to Euractiv, in this situation, the government wants to continue financing military supplies to Ukraine, which is not an easy task.

In addition to the net financial obligation to the EPF, there is also the issue of the need to consolidate Czech public finances, which is currently the subject of political debate in the lower house of parliament.

To solve this problem, the Czech Foreign Ministry is preparing materials to identify all available options, after which it will become clearer how much the Czech Republic can currently spend on weapons for Ukraine, the publication writes.

Author - Olena Madiak, 22/09/2023

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