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Czech Republic prepares a new initiative to supply Ukraine with shells

Jul 24, 2024

The Czech Ministry of Defense is preparing to launch a second initiative to supply Ukraine with artillery ammunition for 2025, which will involve Czech manufacturers.

The head of the Czech Ministry of Defense, Jana Černohová, told Deník N in an interview.

The project under the working title “Initiative 2025” will preliminarily cover five Czech arms companies that will produce shells for Ukraine at the expense of European donors.

“This is a natural extension of the mechanism that is already in place. In addition, the sooner donors allocate funds, the sooner our companies will sign long-term contracts,” Chernokhova explained.


According to Deník N, the project will involve Czechoslovak Group, STV Group, Omnipol from Ompo Holding, Colt CZ Group SE, owned by Česká zbrojovka, and the DSS arms company.

The Agency for Interstate Defense Cooperation under the Czech Ministry of Defense is currently collecting information on what these companies can supply to Ukraine next year. Prague will become an intermediary between donors - European countries and these companies.

Author - Olena Madiak, 24/07/2024

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