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Estonia offers to increase training of Ukrainian military

May 28, 2024

This was stated by the Minister of Defense of Estonia Hanno Pevkur, RBC-Ukraine reports citing ERR.


He recalled that the EU had promised to increase training in EUMAM from 40,000 to 60,000 people and expressed hope that this would be done. But Pevcur is confident that this is not enough due to Russia's increasing pressure.

According to the minister, it is necessary to "move towards the number of 100 thousand Ukrainian servicemen".

Pevcur also said that the EU's task is not to negotiate and discuss what Putin wants, but to help Ukraine and provide everything it needs to win. According to him, the partners should allow the Ukrainian Armed Forces to use Western weapons, including for strikes on Russian territory.

"Ukraine has its own drones that hit targets deep behind enemy lines, more than a thousand kilometers from the front line. Of course, I sincerely hope that all the countries that provide assistance will give their permission. It is not normal that Russia strikes Ukraine from a long distance, and Ukrainians are forced to fight with one hand tied behind their backs.

According to the Estonian defense minister, Russia is using every opportunity to call any arms supplies to Ukraine an escalation. "There was a time when everyone said that sending tanks was an escalation. It turned out that it was not. The transfer of Storm shadow or Scalp, the transfer of F-16s is an escalation, but it is not. Russia, of course, is using every opportunity to call new arms transfers an escalation. But it is not. It helps Ukraine fight for its country and its people," Pevkur said.

Author - Dmitriy Levchenko, 28/05/2024

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