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EU ambassadors approve new sanctions over Navalny's death

May 22, 2024

Permanent Representatives of the European Union at a meeting in Brussels on May 22 agreed on new sanctions against about 20 people responsible for the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in a penal colony.

This information was confirmed by diplomatic sources of the Europa Press agency.


EU ambassadors have agreed on measures under the sanctions regime for human rights violations in Russia, thus expanding the sanctions already approved in March against 33 representatives of the Russian political, judicial, and penitentiary system.

The measures will be finally approved next Monday, May 27, at a meeting of EU foreign ministers, Europa Press reports.

In February, eight EU countries asked EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell to impose sanctions on Russian prosecutors, judges, and penitentiary officials in connection with Navalny's death.

Author - Olena Madiak, 22/05/2024

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